Sunday, 23 February 2025
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Zombie Army Trilogy Review - Mouse n Joypad

Added: 04.03.2015 11:09 | 20 views | 0 comments

Johnny writes - "A bullet leaves the barrel of my Lee Enfield rifle at high velocity, twisting its way through the thick smoke filled post war air of the 1940s. A few seconds later, it connects with an undead Nazi soldiers head with such force the helmet he is still wearing lifts into the air, ripping through muscle and bone the bullet mushrooms taking a large chunk of the skull with it as it passes through his head. It continues out the back flattened and misshapen only to crash into the face of another wandering zombie killing both instantly with a glorious flurry of blood and bone. I have not just finished reading the latest Stephen King novel, I have just played Zombie Army Trilogy on the Xbox One and that was a single shot out of thousands like it, that I thoroughly enjoyed watching in Rebellions signature X-Ray camera effect from their Sniper Elite series. "


Aiming For The Head: Hands On With Zombie Army Trilogy | TSA

Added: 01.03.2015 3:09 | 16 views | 0 comments

TSA: Zombies. Sometimes it feels like they make an appearance in every game out there, whether its a little bonus hidden away or as the out and out main enemy. Zombie Army Trilogy is somewhere in the middle ground, with the first two Zombie Army games (then called Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army) coming as bitesized offshoots in the wake of Sniper Elite V2. This trilogy bundles the first two Zombie Army games with a new campaign and more and with a healthy discount for previous owners on Steam but also marks the first time that they have made an appearance on console.


Zombie Army Trilogy Gameplay Video

Added: 27.02.2015 17:52 | 22 views | 0 comments

Sniper Elite series series comes to an apocalyptic conclusion; recut, remastered and unleashed on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC


Zombie Army Trilogy Interview - Tim Jones | Dealspwn

Added: 23.02.2015 19:10 | 20 views | 0 comments

Dealspwn writes: "After getting hands-on with Zombie Army Trilogy, Carl got the chance to speak to creative director Tim Jones (pictured above with our very own Toby the Dealspwny) to learn more about the upcoming co-op zombie shooting experience. Topics include the community's response to Sniper Elite 3, the improvements made for ZAT, the inclusion of new characters, and just how fiendish the new Horde mode will be to conquer. Oh, and Zombie Hitler. Obviously."


Sniper Elite V2 now free to download via Xbox Games With Gold for February

Added: 16.02.2015 8:10 | 15 views | 0 comments

Neil writes "Mid-month can mean only one's time for a new free game to be given away via the Xbox Games With Gold promotional scheme!"


Zombie Army Trilogy Gets a Release Date

Added: 06.02.2015 13:35 | 19 views | 0 comments

Zombie Sniper Elite spin-off coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in March.


Zombie Army Trilogy coming to Xbox One in March

Added: 06.02.2015 12:30 | 28 views | 0 comments

A bundle of standalone Nazi Zombie Sniper Elite DLC.
Rebellion's grisly Sniper Elite spin-off series is coming to Xbox One in early March, in a bundle that collects (and remasters) the first two Nazi Zombie games, while adding a new third one into the mix.


Zombie Army Trilogy Dated

Added: 06.02.2015 11:39 | 19 views | 0 comments

Sniper Elite series series comes to an apocalyptic conclusion; recut, remastered and unleashed on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC


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